The Light - An Integrating Paradigm Concept in Lucian Blaga’s Work

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Coculiana Acar

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Published: 22 June 2019 | Article Type :


The aspiration of a transdisciplinary assumption of the Universe we live in implies the definition of a paradigm that unites specifically an object-language with strong ontological, gnoseological and axiological connotations, with a distinct inter-and transdisciplinary metalanguage (semiotic and meta-physical alike). In this sense, Blagas' creation comes to justify a polyvalence of the light, which starts from the ontological - demiurgic-cosmogonic significance of the light-sign followed by the gnoseological and the (pr) axiological function. In the achievement of the evolution of the Great Universe, by which it is argued the unity of the world, we can notice a juxtaposition of Blaga’s (luciferic and paradisiac) methods with the hermeneutical method corresponding to the Luciferic and Semiotic (rational, analytical) knowledge which corresponds to the paradisiac knowledge.

The nececity to elaborate a cosmological vision, subordinated to the general theory of the "creative becoming", has generated a multitude of "physical" and/or "metaphysical" cognitive perspectives, in the approach of which two integrative concepts are united: the light and the sign, i.e. the ontos, related to the (meta) physical reality, and the logos, aiming at the conceptual approach, the procedural reason by which the sign is manifested.

In a summary, the present paper proposes a transdisciplinary analysis, having as a "hard core" (Chomsky) the sign-light paradigm that defines the preamble of a unifying theory between physics and metaphysics, a unification of which the present time has an essential need. And that Lucian Blaga guessed it brilliantly.

Keywords: light, sign, transdisciplinarity.

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How to Cite


Coculiana Acar. (2019-06-22). "The Light - An Integrating Paradigm Concept in Lucian Blaga’s Work." *Volume 3*, 2, 75-80